
Butte College
News Announcement

Inspiring Scholars Honors National Foster Care Month with Student Events

a student and a an eops specialist meet at an officeButte College is thrilled to be joining in the national effort to raise awareness and support for foster youth during National Foster Care Month this May. 

The college's Inspiring Scholars Program will hold several events this month to raise awareness of and celebrate the accomplishments of the foster and former foster youths it serves. On Wednesday, May 3, the program hosted Love Over Labels, a peer-led workshop focused on breaking down the stigmas and labels associated with the foster care community. On Friday, May 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., they will join Chico State, the Butte County Office of Education and the Museum of Northern California Art to host a reception for a Foster Care Month art exhibition. The exhibition will feature artwork created by students from local junior high and high schools, Butte College and Chico State. The Art will remain on display at MONCA through Saturday, May 13.

Beyond National Foster Care Month, Inspiring Scholars works year-round to help current and former foster youth get into college, stay in college, and reach their academic goals, whatever they may be. 

"Foster youth entering college face many unique barriers including, disruptions to their education, changing homes and schools, and disruptions in their support networks, as well as financial hardships," said Eddie Aguilar, a student success specialist at Inspiring Scholars. "It is our goal to minimize these barriers and provide support by being easy to reach, quick in responding and doing what we say we are going to do."

The Inspiring Scholars Program offers:

  • Priority Registration

  • Drop-in appointments to talk about any problems affecting the student's schooling

  • A study lounge 

  • Student leadership opportunities

  • Mentoring

  • Community with other students who have been in foster care

  • Help with financial aid and access to grants and other resources for former foster youth

  • Help to transfer from Butte College to a four-year university 

  • Social Activities

  • Help with using campus and community resources

  • A computer lab with free printing

  • Help to pay for textbooks

Inspiring Scholars is a program for Butte College students who are in foster care or were in foster care after their 13th birthday. For more information about National Foster Care Month events or the Inspiring Scholars Program, contact Inspiring Scholars at (530) 893-7507.


Media Contact

Christian Gutierrez

Public Relations Officer


Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965