2019-20 Unit Plan
Academic Senate

Mission Statement

The Academic Senate Constitution identifies the Senate�s purpose and mission: to promote the development and maintenance of high standards of teaching and education; to share in the determination of the goals of the college and in the fulfillment of these goals; to promote the welfare of the entire faculty and to represent the entire faculty in its academic and professional relations with the district; to facilitate communication among the entire faculty, classified personnel, student body, college administration, and the governing board of the district; to make recommendations to the college administration and governing board concerning the academic and professional matters enumerated in the Title 5 of the Educational Code; to concern itself with any legislation relative to the welfare of the college; and to do all that is necessary and proper to achieve a realization of the purposes of the Faculty Association it represents.

Program Description

当涉及到学术和专业关系的问题时,学术参议院是教师的声音. 会员由代表全体教员的18个教员组成, both full-time as well as Associate, and all areas of instruction, including Counseling and Student Development. 参议院的成员还包括来自学生生活和机密参议院的代表. 会议在每月的第一个和第三个星期三举行, 每个学期都会举行特别的集会和论坛. 参议院支持并鼓励校园参与大学范围内的重要活动,如学生平等和成就计划, 教育总体规划及策略方向, Mission/Values/Code of Ethics, the ongoing Accreditation process, Student Learning Outcomes, CTE Taskforce, statewide grant initiatives, and other efforts.

加州法律和埃德法典都在不断变化. 皇冠新现金网的参议院和课程领导试图通过定期参加全体会议来跟上发展, regional workshops, 以及由全州学术委员会提供的年度研究所.

巴特学术参议院目前按照章程运作, 不用说,他们在学校的各个方面都扮演着不同的角色和责任. 参议院执行委员会成员定期参加上述全州会议, 并且所有人都有责任将在这些会议上获得的信息以及从当地参议院的活动中获得的信息传播给整个学院, classified staff, students, and Administration. 学术参议院领导团队还包括课程主席, the SLO Coordinator, and the Professional Development Coordinator, 他们都努力工作,支持学院的战略方向. 

Curriculum Committee

学术参议院负责监督校园内的所有课程和教育项目(这是法律明确规定的角色), Ed Code, and AB 1725). 绝大多数监督工作由课程委员会和课程技术审查小组负责, 作为学术委员会的一个自治小组委员会,在主席的领导和指导下运作. As stated above, 加州法律和埃德法典都在不断变化, 特别是在课程标准和其他方面, changes to educational programs (expansion, AA/S-T development, Curriculum Review process, Guided Pathways efforts, AB 705 implementation, etc.) is never ending. 课程主席与课程技术审查小组和课程教师的勤奋工作, 以及出席全州的参议院会议, is essential.







Strategic Direction (Optional)


Program Review (Optional)


Department Goals

  1. Deploy a robust database tool for tracking the activities and membership of campus-wide committees; make information on committees easily accessible to all faculty and staff.
  2. 为教职员工提供识别徽章.
  3. 继续派遣执行委员会成员和其他教师领导到全州的研究所, plenary sessions, and regional workshops.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Campus Committees Database

数据库工具,用于跟踪校园委员会的活动和成员, 这将有助于所有教职员工轻松获取委员会的信息.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化

Supporting Rationale

In Fall 2018, the Office of Planning, Research, 组织发展部负责校园委员会数据库的建设工作. 虽然最初通过使用同事为此目的取得了有希望的进展, 2019年早春遇到的并发症使这项工作处于危险之中. 数据库可能需要另一种工具.

加州教育法典要求当地董事会建立程序,以确保参与式治理, 并阐明了有效参与地区和大学治理是共同参与决策过程. 教育规范进一步要求董事会建立标准和程序,以确保教师, 教职员和学生有权有效地参与地区和学院的管理.

大学参与式管理过程的有效性明显受到选民团体无法可靠地跟踪委员会活动和成员的限制. Negative effects include: miscommunications and mistrust; delays in making and implementing decisions; under-utilized knowledge and untapped diversity in thinking; and disconnection by too many members of the larger campus community.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Improving Student Achievement: No

Strategy 2 - Faculty and Staff Badges

Identification badges for faculty and staff.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 加强公平包容的文化

Supporting Rationale

近十年前,学术委员会首次要求教职员工佩戴身份证件. The primary reason was, and still remains, 校园安全和教职员工在危机情况下向当局和学生表明身份的能力. 从那时起,这种需求两次出现在“伟大教师”的讨论中. 学生联合会也向学术委员会提出了这个问题, 表达了对身份证明的支持,但也表达了对利用他们的设备和时间提供徽章的担忧和沮丧. 2018年春季,联合学生委员会再次以一致投票支持. 学术委员会已经联系了机密委员会, 他们也表达了对教职员工身份徽章的支持. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Improving Student Achievement: No

Strategy 3 - Increase Senate Exec Reassign Time

增加学术参议院执行委员会重新分配的总时间, currently 120%, by an additional 10%.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化

Supporting Rationale

The distribution of Academic Senate Executive Committee reassign time is: 60% President; 40% Vice President; 10% Treasurer; 10% secretary. 我们要求增加10%,以支持我们的财务主管和秘书的工作. 目前这两个职位的10%分配是有问题的. If split between Fall and Spring, each benefits little, if any, 从仅仅5%的重新分配时间(这相当于一个典型的三单元讲座课程的一半时间). 在秋季或春季使用全部10%有助于在一个学期内参与参议院相关的工作和活动, but not the other. An increase of 10%, 使执行委员会重新分配的总时间达到130%, 会允许财政部长和部长在秋季和春季都有10%的重新分配时间吗.

Over the past few years, with an increasing number of campus committees, 不断增加执行委员会参与校园规划的需求, 以及需要参议院领导的州和联邦的巨大变革, the Senate Exec has been stretched very thin. Delegation of assignments seems reasonable, 但每学期只有5%的时间分配给财务主管和秘书, 对这两位执行委员的期望是有限的. Further, 秋季和春季都缺乏有意义的重新分配时间,这使得为高管团队招募新成员变得困难.


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Improving Student Achievement: Yes

Strategy 4 - Increase Senate Travel Funds


  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化

Supporting Rationale

学术评议会执行委员会成员, 以及其他教师领导,如课程主席, SLO Coordinator, and Guided Pathways Coordinator, attend various institutes, plenary sessions, and regional workshops throughout the year. These include the Curriculum Institute in July, ASCCC秋季和春季地区会议和全体会议, a Leadership Institute in June, 举办各种研讨会,主题包括招聘多元化等, Disaggregation of Student Learning Outcomes, and Guided Pathways. 参加全州范围的活动对于了解新的倡议和将这些信息带回Butte学院以支持我们当地的努力至关重要. 它也是向参与政策制定和实施的州一级实体提供地方参议院投入的重要手段. 

参加这些活动的费用在过去一年中显著增加. 例如,ASCCC 2019春季全体会议的注册费用为每人80美元. And, 虽然我们通常会通过共享酒店房间来努力成为我们资源的好管家, 今年只提供单人床的房间,按ASCCC团体价格出售.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Improving Student Achievement: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources

这些要求不需要增加学术参议院的预算, 但确实需要其他表示支持我们的目标和战略的校园单位的资源(人力和财政);

  1. 管理全校委员会的数据库系统(资讯科技服务及支援)
  2. 徽章制作设备及用品(人力资源)

Current Financial Resources

No additional resources.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Academic Senate, Instruction Personnel 11-000-400-1-603000 51200 $0.00 $100,000.00
Increase Senate Exec Reassign Time The distribution of Academic Senate Executive Committee reassign time is: 60% President; 40% Vice President; 10% Treasurer; 10% secretary. 我们要求增加10%,以支持我们的财务主管和秘书的工作. 目前这两个职位的10%分配是有问题的. If split between Fall and Spring, each benefits little, if any, 从仅仅5%的重新分配时间(这相当于一个典型的三单元讲座课程的一半时间). 在秋季或春季使用全部10%有助于在一个学期内参与参议院相关的工作和活动, but not the other. An increase of 10%, 使执行委员会重新分配的总时间达到130%, 会允许财政部长和部长在秋季和春季都有10%的重新分配时间吗. Over the past few years, with an increasing number of campus committees, 不断增加执行委员会参与校园规划的需求, 以及需要参议院领导的州和联邦的巨大变革, the Senate Exec has been stretched very thin. Delegation of assignments seems reasonable, 但每学期只有5%的时间分配给财务主管和秘书, 对这两位执行委员的期望是有限的. Further, 秋季和春季都缺乏有意义的重新分配时间,这使得为高管团队招募新成员变得困难.
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Implementing Guided Pathways: a. Strategic Scheduling; b. Hobsons Starfish
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications
  • Strengthening Professional Development
2 Academic Senate, Instruction Operating Expenses 11-000-400-1-603000 55200 $0.00 $3,000.00
Increase Senate Travel Funds 学术评议会执行委员会成员, 以及其他教师领导,如课程主席, SLO Coordinator, and Guided Pathways Coordinator, attend various institutes, plenary sessions, and regional workshops throughout the year. These include the Curriculum Institute in July, ASCCC秋季和春季地区会议和全体会议, a Leadership Institute in June, 举办各种研讨会,主题包括招聘多元化等, Disaggregation of Student Learning Outcomes, and Guided Pathways. 参加全州范围的活动对于了解全州范围的倡议和将这些信息带回皇冠新现金网以支持我们当地的努力至关重要. 它也是向参与政策制定和实施的州一级实体提供地方参议院投入的重要手段. 参加这些活动的费用在过去一年中显著增加. 例如,ASCCC 2019春季全体会议的注册费用为每人80美元. 而我们通常会通过共用酒店房间来节省开支, 今年只提供单人床的房间,按ASCCC团体价格出售.
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Implementing Guided Pathways: a. Strategic Scheduling; b. Hobsons Starfish
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness