2018-19 Unit Plan
Sustainability Steering Committee

Mission Statement

该学院通过在其教学计划中模拟可持续发展,继续其在可持续发展方面的领导地位, curriculum, student and civic engagement activities, facilities and operations, land use planning and other practices.

Program Description

可持续发展委员会为学院的可持续发展倡议提供监督.  This group consists of representatives from faculty, administrators, management, student services, public relations and marketing, information technology, and students.  


Butte College embraces sustainability by engaging students, faculty, staff, 与社区进行对话,促进可持续的实践和运作.  


A.       Providing educational opportunities in the area of sustainability by:  

1) Developing sustainability-focused courses, 转学和职业导向教育成果的证书和学位.
	•	Expand Sustainability Studies Certificate (18+)
	•	Create AS/AS Sustainability Studies (focused on transfer)
	•	Integrate sustainability certs/degrees into guided pathways
	•	使Butte课程与CSU GE可持续发展途径和CSU可持续发展辅修课程保持一致 
	•	Outreach to regional high schools about educational opportunities
	•	增加促进绿色实践的校园实习机会.
	•	Support, along with local and regional partners, opportunities for student and faculty applied research, 课堂外创新实践的发展和实施.  

	•	提供与课程开发相关的两年一次的教师教育培训
	•	Offer Bi-annual workshops aimed at all employees (i.e. FLEX)
	•	Support conference attendance
	•	Support campus events and advocacy 

3)参与地方、区域和全州范围的规划和倡议(1).e. City of Chico Sustainability Taskforce, Butte County, Advance Northstate)

B.       Reducing the college’s carbon footprint by:  


3)  Continuing to increase EV charging capacity on campus.  

C.       Demonstrating environmental stewardship through water conservation by:


Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)


Strategic Direction


The committee has supported the development of faculty education, the Sustainability Studies certificate, curriculum development, a new degree program, and partnerships with CSU Chico and statewide curriculum initiatives.

委员会支持为所有学生、教师和员工举办的教育讲习班和活动.  他们还支持和参与社区领导和区域倡议和活动.

The committee has supported Facilities & 规划管理部门努力通过节约能源来树立环境管理的榜样, building methods, water, and carbon emmission sustainability efforts on campus. 

Program Review


Department Goals

1. Provide educational opportunities in the area of sustainability (i.e. degrees and certificates)

2. Reduce the college’s carbon footprint 

3. Demonstrating environmental stewardship through water conservation



Future Development Strategies

策略1 -发展可持续发展领域的教育机会

  • Expand Sustainability Studies Certificate (expand it to be 18+ units)
  • Create AS/AS Sustainability Studies degree (focused on transfer)
  • Integrate sustainability certs/degrees into guided pathways
  • 将Butte的课程与CSU GE可持续发展途径和CSU可持续发展辅修课程保持一致 
  • Outreach to regional high schools about educational opportunities
  • 增加促进绿色实践的校园实习机会.
  • Support, along with local and regional partners, opportunities for student and faculty applied research, 课堂外创新实践的发展和实施.  

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Sustainability is part of the mission statement, one of the college's values and a strategic initiative.  在课程和机构对话中注入可持续性是实现这一使命的关键, value, and initiative a reality.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Continue Efforts to reduce the College's Carbon Footprint

  • Continue to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) effects during new construction.
  • 继续发展和实施节能和替代能源生产, including storage.
  • Continue to increase EV charging capacity on campus.  
  • Continue to research best practices at other colleges, including but not limited to energy conservation, waste reduction and divestment campaigns
  • 继续减少单乘客通勤的做法,包括与外部机构合作,以协调公共交通的努力.
  • 继续有效的实践来减少纸张的使用, 强调使用MyBC并为日常流程创建电子表单.



  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

According to the last greehouse gas inventory of the college, 67% of our carbon emmissions come from cars & buses go to and from the college in addition to our on-campus fleet.  如果我们想要减少对环境的影响,关注交通以减少我们的碳足迹应该是学院的一个重点. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No



  • 继续实施将现有景观和草皮过渡到低灌溉/无灌溉景观的计划.
  • Continue to implement state standards for irrigation (SB1881).
  • 将本地植物和/或耐旱景观纳入新的建筑标准.

Focus on campus water conservation and the elimination of water waste.

  • Select plants that have low water requirements
  • 密切管理灌溉系统,并根据需要进行调整,使其尽可能高效
  • Repair leaks

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

水资源保护是一个关键问题,特别是考虑到加州持续的干旱.  皇冠新现金网在这一关键问题上发挥领导作用,并为学生和社区提供适当和负责任的水资源管理模式.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No


  • 提供与课程开发相关的两年一次的教师教育培训
  • Offer Bi-annual workshops aimed at all employees (i.e. FLEX)
  • Support conference attendance
  • Support campus events and advocacy 

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Sustainability is part of the mission statement, one of the college's values and a strategic initiative.  在课程和机构对话中注入可持续性是实现这一使命的关键, value, and initiative a reality.  In order to do so, 教师必须接受教育,并做好准备,用与全球可持续发展努力有关的最新数据和最佳实践来更新他们的课程.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Sustainability Committee Personnel $25,000.00 $0.00
Sustainability Curriculum Coordinator 这笔增资将为一名教员协调员提供资金,并为发展校长级证书提供津贴, align our curriculum with local high schools and CSU Chico, plan for guided pathways and develop a new AA degree.
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
  • 与K-12管理人员,教师和辅导员有效合作,以设置 适当的学生期望,调整课程和途径,并提供 高中生在高中期间获得大学学分的机会
2 Sustainability Steering Committee Operating Expenses 55890 $10,000.00 $0.00
Operating Expenses Our operating expenses include membership fees, travel & conference expenses, workshop presenters, educational events (i.e. Campus Sustainability Day & 地球日),课程发展活动,以及可持续发展战略倡议奖.
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing