2016-17 Unit Plan
International Programs and Services

Mission Statement

国际学生服务办公室的目的是增加, in a steady and sustainable way, 在皇冠新现金网注册的国际学生的数量,并提供服务和支持,以促进他们的学业成功和个人成长.  

Program Description

为了达到我们每年增加国际学生数量的目标, 在国外积极现金娱乐网注册是皇冠新现金网义不容辞的责任.  In countries that we are unable to visit, Butte uses web marketing, 以及其他营销手段来吸引未来的学生.  该部门的另一项主要活动是为国际学生提供特殊服务,如住房方面的帮助, special admissions help, 以及为新的国际学生设计的迎新活动.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

One-time Money to Support International Program

Amount: 44000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes


Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

我们目前正在评估我们的SLO,以确保该计划的持续改进.  已经建立了前/后测试,并正在进行学生调查,以帮助确定测试的内容. SLO's will be refined, pre and post tests implemented, 并在下一学年实施测试结果.




国际项目通过招收学生到校园并在他们入学时提供保留服务来支持学院达到学生成绩标准.  我们与学术成功中心合作,提供定制研讨会和学术服务,以支持国际学生.  我们还与转学咨询公司合作,为有兴趣转学到大学的国际学生提供定制研讨会. 这支持提高完成率,学位/证书完成率和转学.

Strategic Direction


Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness


Program Review

International Student Programs

  1. 考虑对寄宿家庭进行背景调查(Livescan),以减轻地区责任. 寄宿家庭项目被外包给校外供应商.
  2. 继续与韩国和中国的英语学校建立合作关系. This is still being pursued.
  3. 创建一个国际和国内学生的焦点小组,以确定与同龄学生实施“友谊计划”的方法. This is still being pursued.
  4. 提供一个专门的公告板,国际学生可以在这里发布公告,并在皇冠新现金网期间保持相互联系. This is still being pursued however, 我们还增加了国际Facebook页面的使用率.
  5. 制作并分发一本小册子,提醒学生重要地点和有用的服务. This is has been achieved.
  6. 为学生安排一个早期的咨询预约,以解决班级注册和其他及时的问题. This is has been achieved.

Department Goals

  1. Improve staff morale
  2. 探索扩大国际学生现金娱乐网注册规模
  3. Improve services to currently enrolled students

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Provide Academic and Language Support


  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

International Students, particularly their first year at Butte College, 由于语言和语境问题,以及来自原籍国的学术期望和结构差异,他们在家庭作业上花费了过多的时间.  The Instructional Aid, is able to assist, 支持和解释课堂作业,调解教师和国际学生之间的误解.

Supporting Rationale Alignment

Strategy 2 - International Student Orientation

Improve International Student Orientation.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Like all new students, 国际学生必须参加入学介绍会,这是皇冠新现金网入学的一部分.  Unlike domestic student however, 他们的入职培训包括3天必修课和1天任选课.  他们的方向长度的差异是由于他们必须介绍的主题的数量和复杂性,如移民规则, personal and public safety, classroom expectations, adjustment issues, American health & educational systems and more.

Supporting Rationale Alignment

Strategy 3 - Transfer Assistance

Improve transfer assistance.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

国际学生比国内学生更有可能在毕特学院完成学业后转学到一所大学.  此外,国际学生很容易转到州外的学院和大学.  Last, to attract international students, Butte must assure partners and parents overseas, 他们的孩子可以进入并可以转学到美国各地的名牌大学.  Thus, 为转让中心提供资金,以制定额外的转让协议(TAGS), 双录取通知书和提供转学工作坊对于国际学生来说是极其重要的.

Supporting Rationale Alignment

Requested Non-Financial Resources

  1. Office space for additional staff
  2. Office furniture for additional staff
  3. File cabinets
  4. Meeting space for 20-30 people

Current Financial Resources


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 International Programs Personnel 11.000.700.1.649004 51390 $15,000.00 $0.00
CAS Instructional Aid International Students, particularly their first year at Butte College, 由于语言和语境问题,以及来自原籍国的学术期望和结构差异,他们在家庭作业上花费了过多的时间. The Instructional Aid, is able to assist, 支持和解释课堂作业,调解教师和国际学生之间的误解.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations
  • Placing students appropriately, advising them effectively, and ensuring that they have educational plans
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
2 International Programs Operating Expenses 11.000.700.1.649004 54500 $10,000.00 $0.00
International Student Orientation Like all new students, 国际学生必须参加入学介绍会,这是皇冠新现金网入学的一部分. Unlike domestic student however, 他们的入职培训包括3天必修课和1天任选课. 他们的方向长度的差异是由于他们必须介绍的主题的数量和复杂性,如移民规则, personal and public safety, classroom expectations, adjustment issues, American health & educational systems and more.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Placing students appropriately, advising them effectively, and ensuring that they have educational plans
3 International Programs Operating Expenses 11.000.700.1.649004 $5,000.00 $0.00
Development of Transfer Pathways to Universities 国际学生比国内学生更有可能在毕特学院完成学业后转学到一所大学. 此外,国际学生很容易转到州外的学院和大学. Last, to attract international students, Butte must assure partners and parents overseas, 他们的孩子可以进入并可以转学到美国各地的名牌大学. Thus, 为转让中心提供资金,以制定额外的转让协议(TAGS), 双录取通知书和提供转学工作坊对于国际学生来说是极其重要的.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Placing students appropriately, advising them effectively, and ensuring that they have educational plans