2016-17 Unit Plan
Student Life

Mission Statement

学生生活办公室致力于为学生提供参与和领导的机会,以增强大学经历,并为学生的多元化做出贡献, dynamic and global society.

Program Description

Our office supports 5 core programs including:
•	Associated Students (Student Government)
•	Culture & Community Center
•	Sustainability Resource Center
•	Interclub Council
•	Chico Center Student Lounge

Our office also supports several core services, including:
•	Student Activity Card production
•	Student Handbook distribution
•	Poster approval
•	General campus event support

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

作为一个学生服务部门,我们第一次在开发学生学习成果和评估的过程中.  这些信息在提交时是不可用的.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)



学生生活办公室不是一个直接符合标准和目标的皇冠新现金网, but we help support academic programs that do.  虽然我们的贡献不是直接的,但你会发现我们的贡献是广泛的:


坚持不懈——将学生与校园社区联系起来,帮助他们集中精力,并给他们继续接受教育的理由, more likely to stay and continue.

通过俱乐部——英语文学艺术俱乐部——提供课堂外的支持来完成课程和项目, Math-MESA Club, 注册与职业护理-全国护理协会俱乐部, Respiratory Therapy-Respiratory Club, Paramedic-Pre-health Professionals Club, Welding-Welding Club.  

Strategic Direction

Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement

Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Using Date-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Modeling Sustainability

Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Program Review

We had three recommendations via Program Review in 2013.
Recomendation #1: 为文化和社区中心以及可持续发展资源中心增加长期工作人员. 我们已经成功地为文化和社区中心和可持续发展资源中心聘请了兼职的长期员工.
Recomendation #2: 继续探讨如何提高学生对学生服务处在校园扮演的角色的认识,以及学生参与/代表的机会. 我们已经探索并实施了几种策略,以提高学生对AS计划在校园中的作用的认识,以及学生参与和代表的机会. Including: social media, online elections, use of campus televisions, professionalizing promotional materials. 这也是我们最新开发的学生学习成果之一.
Recomendation #3: 开发和管理调查或其他工具来衡量学生参与AS赞助活动的意识, as well as the untilization of AS-run center/facilities. 我们已经开发和管理调查和其他评估工具来衡量学生的意识和参与学生生活主办的活动和相关中心. Including annual spring survey, event feedback forms, event participant feedback surveys, club member and Club Advisor surveys, Student Learning Outcome assessments.

Department Goals

Future Development Strategies


是否会加大宣传和推广力度,吸引和留住优秀的学生领袖,以履行AS董事会和学生大使计划的职责,包括:更多的课堂演讲, new flyers for counselors to give out, and an Involvement Fair at the start of each fall semester.  是否会为新学生领袖提供更多资源和培训,包括:扩大秋季静修活动,增加更多实用技能, 为错过预定培训的学生创建一个在线培训教程, 并进行前后调查,以确定哪些资源和培训是有帮助的,以及学生成功还需要什么.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

Supporting Rationale

AS的学生领袖和学生大使计划的学生代表超过10人,通过管理预算(来自学生费用)和参与影响学院政策和程序的决策委员会,000名学生.  他们应该做好充分的准备,并对自己履行职责的能力充满信心.  

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes


Campus Clubs are a tremendous resource on campus. 这是一群我们可以进一步培养的学生领袖.  我们面临着许多挑战,如何为一群已经很忙的学生提供更多的培训和资源.  We currently meet with the Inter Club Council twice a month, about 20-25 clubs are present at these meetings.  我们愿意提供额外的培训,以进一步发展所包括的俱乐部, but not limited to: online training modules, leadership conference, retreats, hard copy resources, etc.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

Supporting Rationale

为俱乐部成员提供额外的培训和资源,我们正在为完成和坚持的大学标准和目标做出贡献.  特别是在学术领域,我们目前有附属的俱乐部,如:焊接, Paramedic, Respiratory, Nursing, Math and English.  这将为学生提供课堂外的额外经验,他们可以在转学申请中使用,并进一步发展他们在学科领域的技能.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes


文化和社区中心(CCC)和可持续发展资源中心(SRC)都有兼职文员职位.  这些职位由于是兼职和入门级职位,很难保留.  这一现实促使我们为CCC和SRC项目探索未来的人员配备.  大量的时间和精力花在招聘和培训员工上.  The effect on the programs is obvious; we don’t have the thriving centers we wish to have.   

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

The college commitment, as presented through the strategic direction, 给了我们证据,证明学生的价值观与学校的价值观是一致的.  多年来,可持续性建模一直是战略方向的一部分, 现在又增加了“加强包容性文化”,这也符合学生的价值观. 我们正专注于这两个战略,帮助学生创造一个可持续和包容的未来.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources

1. Meeting space for about 30-50 people in a U or Circle.  国米俱乐部理事会目前的会议是SSG 102,但我们已经跟不上了.  We need a bigger space to meet.

2. Swing Space G 101, for the SRC to use the food pantry space.    

3. SRC (SSG101)及CCC (SSF102)的长期永久空间.

4. 为活动和活动提供编程/会议空间(至少200人), a multiuse space.

Current Financial Resources

每天主校区和奇科中心的学生都要支付18美元的学生活动费.  这笔费用每学年产生大约30万美元的预算.

All students are charged a $2 representation fee.  1美元用于支持SSCCC,另外1美元用于支持地方和州一级的学生代表.  This generates approximately $20,000 per academic year, these funds are highly redistricted in use, 主要用于培训学生政府官员和为州代表旅行.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Student Life Personnel $0.00 $83,000.00
Salary for Student Life Supervisor Support for this augmentation include: (a) Historical Enrollment Data (b) Projected funding losses as a result of declining enrollment; (c) Student Life fees across the California Community Colleges; and (d) Student Life Program positions across the California Community Colleges. Each of these areas is described in detail below. (a) Historical Enrollment Data. 在过去的三年里(每年),入学人数似乎一直比较稳定,有一些下降. 学生生活预算与入学人数成正比. As enrollment changes, so does the budget. Thus, we have seen a decline in funding in past years. (b) 由于入学人数下降而导致的预计资金损失 尽管由于未来的现金娱乐网注册趋势,资金只会略有下降, due to rising costs of personnel, 预计的学生生活预算将在未来四年甚至更长时间内经历指数级损失. Without question, the Student Life office will be forced to cut personnel, 计划和/或服务,或在未来3年内获得地区的财政支持. The expected loss is as follows: 2015-2016 ($5,231), 2016-2017 ($36,516), 2017-2018 ($51,392) and 2018-2019 ($64,964). (c) CACC Student Life Fees. 在过去的14年里,学生会已经四次提高了学生活动费. 有人会认为学生生活办公室可以简单地再次提高他们的费用. However, 数据表明,加州社区学院的大多数学生活动费都低于比特学院的学生. 在113所加州社区学院中,皇冠新现金网收费第四高. 提高皇冠新现金网的学费并不是目前BCAS官员想要追求的选择. (d) Student Life Program Personnel. 学生生活项目往往是高接触的项目,包括各种人员水平,以确保他们的成功. Depending on the kind of programs offered, 可从学生费用和地区和学生人数中获得的资金数额, 各学院的专业人员和学生人员的构成差别很大.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
2 Student Life Personnel $0.00 $30,000.00
Half Salary of Full-time Personnel in the Culture & Community Center 文化和社区中心(CCC)和可持续发展资源中心(SRC)都有兼职文员职位. 这些职位由于是兼职和入门级职位,很难保留. 这一现实促使我们为CCC和SRC项目探索未来的人员配备. 大量的时间和精力花在招聘和培训员工上. The effect on the programs is obvious; we don’t have the thriving centers we wish to have
  • Student Equity
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Improving access, success, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
3 Student Life Personnel $0.00 $30,000.00
可持续发展资源中心(SRC)全职职位的一半 文化和社区中心(CCC)和可持续发展资源中心(SRC)都有兼职文员职位. 这些职位由于是兼职和入门级职位,很难保留. 这一现实促使我们为CCC和SRC项目探索未来的人员配备. 大量的时间和精力花在招聘和培训员工上. The effect on the programs is obvious; we don’t have the thriving centers we wish to have
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Meeting state water use reduction requirements